Advantages Of Outfitting Your Security Personnel With Body Cameras


In many jurisdictions, police officers wear body cameras affixed to the front of their vests. If you're in charge of a security agency that provides guards to various locations around the city, such as PHOENIX PROFESSIONAL PROTECTION, it can be worthwhile to equip them with this type of camera, too. While doing so will require an initial investment, this is an investment in your business that you won't regret. You'll be more confident about sending your security guards to their assignments when they're wearing cameras, and they should feel more confident, too. Here are some advantages of outfitting your staff in this manner.

Clarity During "He Said/She Said" Situations

One of the concerns that security guards occasionally face is dealing with suspects or other individuals on a one-on-one basis. With no third party to corroborate what actually occurs, you may find your guard telling you one thing and the suspect detailing something else. You won't have this problem when your security guard wears a body camera. This piece of technology will capture what both parties are saying and provide a clear depiction of any actions. For example, if a security guard detains a shoplifter and the shoplifter complains about being roughly handled, the camera can reveal that this was not the case.

An Effective Teaching Tool

You'll often be hiring and training new security guards, and there's nothing better as a teaching tool that showing them footage of guards doing their job properly. With each of your guards wearing body cameras, you can compile a series of clips that show effective examples of this line of work. For example, you can highlight a guard's proper detention of a suspect or a guard's polite manner of dealing with an upset person. Conversely, if any of your guards make mistakes, the footage will provide a helping hand for you to demonstrate how the mistake was made so that the guard can correct it.

An Ability To Reward Your Guards

Because you're not shadowing your guards as they perform their duties, it may occasionally be difficult to assess which guards are exceeding expectations. By equipping your staff with body cameras, you can review the footage to note which guards consistently perform their jobs properly. You can then reward these staff members in a number of ways, including verbally and through pay raises. When it comes time to promote people, you'll have ideal evidence that demonstrates which of your staff are most deserving of a promotion.


19 January 2017

Protecting Your Business Establishment

If you own a business, you likely want to do everything in your power to protect your investment. You can increase your odds of accomplishing this important task by installing a security system on your business property. In addition to investing in a state-of-the-art security system, you might also wish to hire one or more security guards to keep an eye on your property. Investing in security options like these can make both you and your customers feel safer. On this blog, I hope you will discover the most popular techniques business owners utilize to prevent burglaries from occurring at their establishments. Enjoy!